So Coool

Hurricanes Game

As a BIG thanks to all of the people who took part in the St. Baldrick's Event at the RBC Center, we received tickets to the Hurricanes game that night. We had SUCH a great time. This was Sam's first hockey game and he did very well. The loud noises got to him in the beginning but he was sound asleep towards the end, and slept right through all of the excitement. INCLUDING... a tie breaking shoot-out! Connor is a more experienced fan and had a ball the entire time.

Foam puck hats! Fun for the whole family!

Sam let Daddy borrow his hat to keep his bald head warm.  It looks GREAT on him! Don't ya think?
 Game time!
Daddy and Connor

Daddy and Sam

The fam!

Stormy the Ice Hog!

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