So Coool

Our "Elf on the Shelf"

Well we are busy busy getting ready for Christmas and our "Elf on the Shelf" has been busy busy keeping his eyes on Connor and Sam. Making sure they stay on Santa's good list.
This little guy came to our family last year and has become a FUN part of our Christmas tradition. Connor named him Mr. Peepers Christmas Day. He arrives on Thanksgiving morning and stays until Christmas Eve. Flying to the North Pole each night after they go to bed to report to Santa and arriving back in the morning in a new spot in the house for Connor to try and find him. He is very loved in this house.

Our Blog Title

HUTCHis Life
A spin on the saying "SUCH is Life".

An acceptance of the unpredictable fortunes of existence, often spoken with an air of weary resignation.

"Such is life, that whatever is proposed, it is much easier to find reasons for rejecting than embracing."

'Such is life', of course, mirrors the French 'C'est la vie', which equates to the English 'that's life', or 'life's like that'. Modern variants are 'that's the way it goes', 'that's the way the ball bounces', 'that's the way the cookie crumbles' etc.

So with that said... let our BLOG BEGIN and enjoy seeing how OUR cookie crumbles.