So Coool

Our Butterflies

MiMi and Pappy got Connor a "Live Butterfly Garden" for Christmas. Now that it is warmer outside we thought it would be a good time to try it out. We sent away for our caterpillars and got 5 of them in the mail. They arrived in a culture cup with all the food they needed and we were to just watch them grow! Grow they did! Each day they tripled in size! It was amazing. Before we knew it we had 5 chrysalides. It was now time to move them to their larger home. They hung quietly and became beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies. We fed them sugar water that we dropped onto the carnations ourselves and gave them oranges as suggested by the kit. They got stronger and started flying around a lot so we felt it was time for them to be released. On Sunday we took a few pictures, made a little movie and said our goodbyes. Mike set them free and all flew away but one. It had a hurt leg and wing. Not sure how it happened, but it wasn't able to fly away. We just moved it to the flowers and left it outside. Hopefully it will still be happy.


Lukas' Birthday Party

Connor's BEST BUDDY turned 5!
The party was at a farm where we had a picnic, playground fun and got to ride a horse. Sam went for it right away. Connor was a little unsure of the horse, but once he got on and started going, he LOVED IT! They got to ride on a nice trail. It was JUST long OR short enough. However you want to look at it.

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Helping Hand

Today I was the "Helping Hand" in Connor's preschool class. I brought my camera thinking that I would capture lots of great pictures. HA! Not the case. I was there and got RIGHT TO WORK. This is a high energy class and we had LOTS to do. I really WAS the helping hand. No time for taking pictures but story time and and science time. I was SO wiped out that day!

Circle time in Science Class. They were learning about Volcanoes. VERY COOL!

End of the day and enjoying a story being read to them by their teacher Mrs. Mary Grace.