So Coool

Easter at Mi Mi and Pappy's

What a busy Easter weekend! It started at Mi Mi and Pappy's house where we had an Easter Egg Hunt, yummy food, a nice long walk around the lake and a great visit with Mike's brother, Brian and his family.

Connor, Bailey and Cole on the hunt!

Check out all these eggs!

And they are all filled with candy!!!

The gang! They are so cute!

Did someone say Hokey Pokey!?

Easter at Aunt Jenny and Uncle Matt's

OK... I smell the yummy food, but I don't see it!

Now I see the food. Will someone fix me a plate!?

Nicholas got the camera and tried to get a picture of the adult table. He did pretty darn good!

And the hunt is on!

Not happy about picture time. Just want to eat candy!

Easter with Mommy and Daddy

SCORE! The EB stopped by our house and hid Easter Eggs with candy, left each of us a basket with lots of awesome stuff, AND a family basket!!! WHOOO HOOOOOO!

Hunter's Birthday

We had a party for Hunter here in Raleigh at a really nice park.

Grandma made these awesome Lego Starwars cupcakes. 
Look at the detail and all the fun things the kids got to go home with!




Matt and Jen

Mom and Dad/Grandma and Pop Pop

Hunter and John


Sam, Connor, Me and Nicholas

Connor with the Punch Balloon that Grandma got them! So much fun!

Connor is quite impressed with Hunter's Lego gifts that he got.

Game of Kickball that Pop Pop put together.

Durham Bulls

Today was the Durham Bulls' Season Opener.
Mike and his dad (Pappy) went to show our team some support and hope to make this a new family tradition.
As most of you know...this is where the move, "Bull Durahm" was filmed. It's really cool and Downtown Durham has become very nice. If you are from out of town and are reading's a great place to go if you are visiting during baseball season.

Mardi Gras Fest

Well, we worked at Mardi Gras Fest at church and didn't get a chance to take pictures.  Connor DID get a chance to have a Dragon face, painted on him.  Last year the line was too long and it just didn't happen. He was so sad.  Glad he got painted this year!

Germish Day 2011

Every year Mike and his buddy take each of their family backgrounds and allow them to join forces.  
It's what we call Germish Day. Not a day of germs. A day where Hutch (my Mike) and Melissa's (Murph's wife) German bloodline meets Murph's and my Irish bloodline. Good food, Spirits and lots of fun! 

Murph and Hutch

Melissa and Murph

Connor swinging on Annaka's really cool horse swing made from tires.

Annaka (our Goddaughter) and her big beautiful eyes!

Sammy playing ball.

Annaka and Sam checking out bugs.

Look at these cute baby squirrels. They fell from a reeeeeeeally tall tree. We decided that we'd go to lunch and hopefully while we were gone, their mama would come get them. When we got back, they were gone. We are HOPING mama got them and put them back in their nest. 

They fell from one of these really tall trees. Poor little guys. It's amazing they survived.