So Coool

Soccer time

Connor has started his second season at the YMCA playing Micro Soccer. He is SO GOOD! Not just Mom talking either. Connor has such a gift. Soccer really might just be his "thing". Neither Mike nor I played Soccer, so I have NOTHING to teach him and neigher does Mike. It is so much fun to watch, and see those little people run up and down the field. I will try to get video footage to post. Be on the lookout!


Hunter's Birthday Party

Well, in Hunter's words... "My BEST Birthday EVER!"

We all got together here in Raleigh to celebrate Hunter's Birthday. We started out the day at Hill Ridge Farm for LOTS of fun. All kinds of things for the kids to enjoy. Pony rides, giant slides, bouncy house, corn pit, hay jump, feeding animals, etc.
Thanks Grandma and Pop Pop!!!

After Hill Ridge Farm, we went back to Aunt Becky and Uncle Hutch's house for more fun. Wii Games, Pin The Tail on The Donkey, Pizza, Cake and Ice Cream. There was Sponge Bob everything and presents too!
From the looks of it, Hunter LOVED everything. What a great time.

Fun with Cousins





Spring Break

AUNT DEBBIE GOT A POOOOOOOOL! Well, we went to visit Aunt Debbie and Uncle Dave over Spring Break. The weather was kind of up and down so we really only got one good day at the pool. Sam was sleeping the entire time we swam, so no pics of him this time but Connor sure enjoyed himself.

Princess Gracie

We sure enjoyed getting to spend time with Princess Gracie. She and Sam were so funny together. She just wanted to be WITH him and love on him, but he did NOT want anyone in his little bubble, so he was constantly yelling at her. Poor Gracie. How could you yell at this sweet little face?

Trip to Gold's Gym!!

Gracie loving on Sam again. Told ya! Only THIS TIME he wasn't yelling at her about it. Anyway... we all headed to Aunt Debbie's Gold's Gym to work out. The little ones went to the play center and Connor went on to be with the big kids at the rock climbing wall. He really did great! Didn't make it to the top THIS TIME, but he said that he would do it next time.

Rock Wall at Gold's

Gracie's Lady Bug Party - Age 2

Deb got so creative with the Lady Bug theme! Look how cute everything is!

Let us EAT CAKE!

Easter Part 2

After the Easter Egg hunt at our house, we headed to Church and then to Aunt Jenny's for Brunch. She out-did herself again. Food was AWESOME and everything was so beautiful! The kids all enjoyed playing together, going on a "basket" hunt, decorating cookies and telling each other about what they got from the Easter Bunny.

After all of this fun, we went on to Easter Part 3! We headed over to MiMi and Pappy's house for another Easter Egg Hunt and more DELICIOUS food! It was a long day but SO MUCH FUN. I wish we had thought to charge our camera battery in between, because our Camera was dead by Part 3. Sorry not pictures from that part.