So Coool

Gator Grace

If you need a reminder, Gator Grace is Connor's Class Mascot. They are the InvestiGATORS. The first half of the year, each child in his class was assigned a week to bring Grace home to spend time with them and their family. Beginning in February, each child in the class has the "opportunity" to bring her home for the day. The day they get her, she is a reward to them for having had a GREAT DAY at school. Today was the day for Connor! Good job buddy! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you.


Party Weekend!

We had a couple of birthday parties this weekend. The first was our neighbor and good friend Ryan. Unfortunately I left my camera at home. Very sad considering they are moving, and that will be the last party they will have there. I will try to get pics from someone who got some good shots but until then...

The 2nd party was for one of Connor's classmates. They went to ChuckEcheeeeeeeese!
I can't tell you how excited Connor was to go to this place. He was on cloud nine. See for yourself.

One of Connor's buddies. He is SUCH the ladie's man.

THIS ONE is for you Daddy!

"We get tickets for prizes too! It's like we win twice Mommy!"