So Coool

White Christmas

After we opened gifts at our house on Christmas morning, we headed to my sister's house for more Christmas festivities and delicious food! That night it began to snow! We actually had a WHITE CHRISTMAS! The next morning we got all bundled up and played in the snow. We even got to build a snowman!


Connor was too cold to show his face.

Merry Christmas!

I just went through all of our Christmas pictures and we managed to take nothing but blurry photos. Wonderful! Anyway... here is the best one we've got. Though we didn't get good pictures, I will hold the memories tight as the morning was filled with priceless faces and such excitement. This was such an awesome year for gift opening. With Connor being 5 and Sam, 2 it was a complete joy to see the spirit of Christmas through their eyes.

We DID however manage to capture some footage of C.J. opening one of her gifts!


The "Big Guy" sent Connor a message again! He sent one last year and included pictures of Connor. This year, his elves must have been too busy to get him a recent photo. The message still was pretty cool. Check it out!