So Coool

Ms. Maribeth

As some of you may or may not know...Connor's preschool teacher was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. We grew very close with her this school year and the news just broke our hearts. Ms. Maribeth sadly lost her sister-in-law a few years ago to Brain Cancer. After their loss, her family joined the Angels Among Us foundation and formed a team in her memory called "Hubba's Bubbas". They walk in her name trying to raise money and awareness each year. This year not only did they walk in her memory, they walked with Ms. Maribeth as she is currently battling this terrible illness.

Feeling quite helpless, we just didn't know what we could do to help so we joined their team. Mike ran in the 5K and then joined the kids, my mom and me for the walk through Duke Gardens.
Thank you to all of you who donated to this cause. We raise a ton of money!

Ms. Maribeth and Connor

Ms. Michelle (teacher assistant) and Connor

Daddy and Connor on the walk.

Me and Mom

Sam and his buddy Ryan

Connor's buddy Lukas, Connor, Sam and Ryan. 
Lukas had Ms. Maribeth last year as a teacher so his family joined us.

Build A Bear was there!

Look at this SEA of people!

What a beautiful place for a walk.

Easter at Mi Mi and Pappy's

What a busy Easter weekend! It started at Mi Mi and Pappy's house where we had an Easter Egg Hunt, yummy food, a nice long walk around the lake and a great visit with Mike's brother, Brian and his family.

Connor, Bailey and Cole on the hunt!

Check out all these eggs!

And they are all filled with candy!!!

The gang! They are so cute!

Did someone say Hokey Pokey!?

Easter at Aunt Jenny and Uncle Matt's

OK... I smell the yummy food, but I don't see it!

Now I see the food. Will someone fix me a plate!?

Nicholas got the camera and tried to get a picture of the adult table. He did pretty darn good!

And the hunt is on!

Not happy about picture time. Just want to eat candy!

Easter with Mommy and Daddy

SCORE! The EB stopped by our house and hid Easter Eggs with candy, left each of us a basket with lots of awesome stuff, AND a family basket!!! WHOOO HOOOOOO!

Hunter's Birthday

We had a party for Hunter here in Raleigh at a really nice park.

Grandma made these awesome Lego Starwars cupcakes. 
Look at the detail and all the fun things the kids got to go home with!




Matt and Jen

Mom and Dad/Grandma and Pop Pop

Hunter and John


Sam, Connor, Me and Nicholas

Connor with the Punch Balloon that Grandma got them! So much fun!

Connor is quite impressed with Hunter's Lego gifts that he got.

Game of Kickball that Pop Pop put together.