So Coool

Gator Grace

If you need a reminder, Gator Grace is Connor's Class Mascot. They are the InvestiGATORS. The first half of the year, each child in his class was assigned a week to bring Grace home to spend time with them and their family. Beginning in February, each child in the class has the "opportunity" to bring her home for the day. The day they get her, she is a reward to them for having had a GREAT DAY at school. Today was the day for Connor! Good job buddy! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you.


Party Weekend!

We had a couple of birthday parties this weekend. The first was our neighbor and good friend Ryan. Unfortunately I left my camera at home. Very sad considering they are moving, and that will be the last party they will have there. I will try to get pics from someone who got some good shots but until then...

The 2nd party was for one of Connor's classmates. They went to ChuckEcheeeeeeeese!
I can't tell you how excited Connor was to go to this place. He was on cloud nine. See for yourself.

One of Connor's buddies. He is SUCH the ladie's man.

THIS ONE is for you Daddy!

"We get tickets for prizes too! It's like we win twice Mommy!"

Getting Real

Well... it was brought to my attention that my facebook picture is WAAAAAAAY out of date. I guess after thinking about it, the photo I had as my profile pic was about 10 years old and MANY pounds ago. I am now 33 years old, a bit heavier, married, a mother of two boys, child care provider and officially starting to gray. I still feel young though! How can this be?

Anyway... I thought I would get real today and take a picture of myself. This is HUGE! I NEVER want my picture taken. I would much rather be the one taking the pictures. Here it is. This is me. 33 and loving life. I know I should be smiling, but it just looked way too posed. Here is me looking um... I don't know.

Connor wanted his picture taken with me, when he saw I was taking pictures of myself. Love my little buddy!  WHO does he look like!? Not me.... that is for sure!

Happy SUPER Day! is Super Bowl Sunday and we took the opportunity to celebrate the Steelers in the bowl game
AND... several birthdays this month. Happy Birthday to Ryan, Nicholas, ME, Mom and Max! Sorry to our Steelers but being that we lived in Wisconsin for several years... we are OKAY with the loss to the Packers. I GUESS.
: (

NOT very happy at the moment.

Captain Underpants!

Potty Training! Sam is JUST about there. Not quite there at school, but totally there at home!
I just love the cute little underpants. You go Sam!


Olivia's birthday party. We went bowling!

What is with everyone flexing their muscles? MEN!

Brother Love

Just had to take these random pictures. They love each other SO MUCH!  I had to capture these moments. Hanging out and then rocking out!

My Valentines

We "LOVE" Valentine's Day in our house!
When I saw that my sister-in-law bought little mail boxes to put family love notes in each day in February...
I just HAD to do the same. We are having lots of fun with it!

I will NEVER be able to throw away anything with my kids' hand prints on them! Their Preschool sends home some of the BEST decorations.

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Connor, Sam and Charlie at Monkey Joe's. There to celebrate Charlie's birthday!


Happy New Year! Connor and Daddy went to see the Pack play basketball! Good Day!

Trip to Marbles

We went to Marbles with our buddy Charlie! This is such a cool place for the kids.
They get to dress-up and use their imaginations like crazy.
(Some of these pics are turned the wrong way. They didn't want to cooperate. SORRY!)

Ok. I've got this! The fire is UNDER control folks!

Typical couple in the kitchen (Sam and Hayden)

Connor is QUITE the fisherman!

Anyone call a Dr.?

Train Table!

Pirate Ship!

Sweeping the poop deck!



Another picture that looks all to familiar as a couple.

Connor and Charlie!

Connor's Photography

Connor enjoys taking pictures in his spare time. I really liked these two.
I think he may just have an eye for this art!

RAW RAW Rocket!

MiMi and Pappy got the kids this Cool Rocket Ship to decorate and play with.
What a BLAST! They had so much fun with this thing. Highly entertaining for daaaaays!

Hayden enjoyed putting some stickers on it and adding a bit of her flair.
Connor dressed as a Fireman here.
He was there to rescue Sam and Hayden because the monsters were trying to get them!