Well, it snowed last night and that is why I'm sitting on my rump in the house getting caught up on our family blog. We are all just hanging out in our jammies, playing Wii games and just spending time being inside and warm. HOWEVER... a couple of weeks ago, we had our first REAL snow storm of the year. Of course we got all bundled up, went outside and it was almost unbearably cold. We were able to go outside, make a couple of snow angels, sled down the street and then go back inside! TOOO COLD! The next day we could go outside and build a snow man and play for a while. MUCH BETTER! Here are some pictures of the first day though. Sam spent most of his time falling down and having a hard time getting back on his feet. Connor had fun running all over the place, jumping, diving, sledding, throwing snow balls at me and FREEZING!
Good times.